USACE Europe District Program Briefing hosted by SAME Rhein-Main Post: The Rhein-Main Post is hosting the annual USACE Europe District Program Briefing to showcase the work planned for execution in the AOR for the upcoming year. There will be plenty of networking before and after, as well as exhibits and a light lunch for those attending the in-person event.
Location: Hybrid Event! Note that in-person tickets for Industry participants are SOLD OUT. Prospective Government participants who would like to attend in person but were unable to secure tickets via EventBrite before they sold out should contact for possible accommodation at the event.
In Person: Italian Grill (formerly Little Italy) | Building 1011 | Clay Kaserne.
Online: via MS Teams link here
Date: 23 January 2025
Time: 1000 to 1400
Schedule: Note all times are CET
- 1000 – 1100 – Registration Opens
- 1030 – 1130 – Networking and Finger Food
- 1130 – 1200 – Rhein-Main Post Business Meeting & Installation of Officers
- 1200 – 1300 – USACE Europe District FY25 Program Update
- 1300 – 1400 – Networking and Depart
Cost: Suggested donation is $25/25€ for industry and $10/10€ for military and government. Online attendance is free! Only 10 Tabletop exhibitors/sponsorship available for $300/300€. Please pay cash or check (no credit cards) at the door. Receipts will be available.
Tickets required for in-person attendance: Seating is limited to 100 participants. NOTE – THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT FOR IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE
Please forward the event invitation to others interested in attending. For questions (or a map) please email
There is NO parking at the venue. Please park at the nearby parking garage and walk. A map of Clay Kaserne and one to the closest parking location and how to reach the venue is attached.