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Community Mission
The K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Outreach Community of Interest’s mission is to promote and support pathways to STEM degrees and STEM careers for K-12 students as part of the national strategic effort to produce more STEM professionals for the nation.
Join the SAME Engage K-12 STEM Outreach NetworkVision
The K-12 STEM Outreach Committee provides for the security of the nation by ensuring a robust STEM workforce.
K-12 students need to be exposed to STEM activities, degrees, and careers as they move up the academic ladder. The committee will work with the network of Posts, individual members, sustaining members, service branches, and strategic partners to increase opportunities for STEM exposure for K-12 students. The COI will also promote the Society’s STEM programming at local, regional, and national events, as resources allow.
- Categorize different examples of how the Post/individuals support K-12 STEM at the local level
- Identify and provide guest speakers/webinars on relevant topics
- Serve as a clearinghouse of STEM information
- Provide a calendar of STEM (SAME/Post and external) events and points of contacts
To learn more about the K-12 STEM Outreach Community of interest, contact a member of the Steering Committee, or reach out to Jeannine Finton, STEM Coordinator.

Community Chair
Joshua Graham, P.E., PMP, F.SAME
Project Manager, HDR

Immediate Past Community Chair
Liza Grudin, PE, ME, ENV SP
President, NovelEsolutions Inc.
Vice Chair, Strategic Alliance: Jeffrey Leonard, PE, CFPS, F.SAME
Vice Chair Programs: Lexi Lessaris
Vice Chairs, Communications and Outreach: Zayda Shavkatova and Roger Minyami
Vice Chair, Awards and Recognition: Traci Dewar
SAME National Webinars
- Webinar
Identifying and Solving Vapor Intrusion Problems at Military Sites
Vapor intrusion (VI) is a common exposure pathway to be considered when redeveloping, building, or renovating buildings on land that includes active and closed military bases. -
- Webinar
PFAS Water Treatment Technologies: Costs and Challenges
Join us for an insightful webinar on PFAS water treatment technologies with a focus on cost implications, hosted by the SAME Industry-Government Engagement (IGE) PFAS team. -
- Webinar
Stacking the Deck with Modular Construction
The pandemic, rising construction costs, and skilled labor shortages have highlighted the potential of modular construction as an alternative to conventional construction and project delivery. The promise of quality construction, budget-friendly products, combined with the challenge of accelerated project schedules are making headlines in design and construction journals.