Our Mission
Lead collaboration in support of our national security priorities through advancing three strategic goals: Drive Partnerships, Deliver Solutions, and Develop People.
About the Post
The Society of American Military Engineers is the only nonprofit professional engineering education organization that actively promotes the advancement of both individual technical knowledge and the collective engineering capabilities of governments, the uniformed services and private industry.
Our goal is to unite public and private sector entities and individuals in the A/E/C fields so that we can prepare for and overcome natural and man made disasters, acts of terrorism and improve security at home and abroad.
The Minneapolis – St Paul Post accomplishes this goal locally by supporting monthly luncheon meetings and other professional/social activities attended by members of local government, military, private industry, students and other interested parties. These meetings are announced via our e-mail distribution list and quarterly newsletter. We are supported by the national Society of American Military Engineers and publications such as The Military Engineer, which also promotes the interests and goals of our society and its members. Please peruse our website to discover the benefits of SAME Minneapolis – St Paul Post membership.
★ Post Leadership
Samuel Smith – Post President
Consor Engineers

★ Upcoming Events
Future City Competition – Volunteers Needed
Have you ever wondered what cities will look like in the future? This is you change to take a sneak peek and support a great program at the same time!
This will be the 25th year of the Minnesota Future City Competition and is the 17th year that the SAME-MSP Post is sponsoring a special award category at the Regional Finals for the team that best addresses “Readiness for Natural and Human-made Disasters.”
The Post needs the assistance of at least four volunteers on the morning of Saturday, January 18, 2025 at Metro State University – St. Paul Campus to help select the team to receive our special award. Please note that this is a new location from recent years.
This year’s competition theme is Above the Current – teams will research, imagine, and design future cities that float on water and keep citizens healthy and safe. This theme should produce some very creative ideas in terms for preparing for disasters. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Peter Allen at peter.j.allen@usace.army.mil or 651-290-5413.
What: 2025 Minnesota Future City Competition volunteer judging
Where: Metro State University (St. Paul Campus) – 700 7th St E, Saint Paul, MN 55106
When: Saturday, January 18, 2025 from approximately 8:00am to 12:00pm
Who: Anyone interested in seeing what future cities might look like.
It’s Annual Awards Season!
One of the premier benefits of SAME membership is a robust awards and recognition program. There is a variety of annual awards available, and our Post has developed a track record of national-level winners in recent years. These include:
· STEM Champion Award: to recognize exceptional contributions in advancement of STEM programs
· Young Professional Medal: for outstanding leadership and accomplishments in support of the Society mission
· Post Service Medal: to recognize significant service to SAME at the Post level that has materially contributed to Post success
· Goethals Medal: for eminent and notable contributions to engineering, design, or construction in the past five years
· Urbahn Medal: for eminent and notable contributions in the field of architecture in the past five years
The full list of available awards and medals, and the eligibility criteria for each, are on the SAME web site at https://www.same.org/membership-communities/awards/.
If you would like to nominate a member (including yourself!) for any of these SAME awards, please contact our Awards Chair, Jarrett Purdue, at jarrett.purdue@gmail.com or 651-259-5501 not later than Friday, January 10. He will help write, prepare and submit the nomination package. All national-level award nominations require Post President endorsement, and some require Regional Vice President endorsement, so we need some time to secure those before the submission deadline of February 1.
Note the SAME Design Awards are presented in alternate years, so the next opportunity for those will be next year.
Minnesota Federation of Engineering, Science, and Technology Societies (MFESTS) Annual Awards
Our Post is a member of MFESTS, which entitles us to nominate our members for their four annual awards: the Charles W. Britzius Distinguished Engineer Award, Richard S. Alberg Distinguished Science and Technology Professional Award, Young Engineer of the Year Award, and the Young Scientist/Technologist of the Year Award.
Nomination forms for these annual awards are now available on the MFESTS web site at https://www.mfests.org/awards. The deadline for submissions is January 31. If you would like to nominate a post member (including yourself!) please contact Jarrett Purdue for coordination. Our post is allowed to nominate one member for each award.

Start Your STEM Journey Today! SAME’s STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps offer high school students interested in a highly unique STEM experience the chance to spend a week at a military base learning engineering, construction and design, while developing leadership skills and discovering the potential of a career in STEM.
★ Latest SAME News
Applications for 2025 SAME Camps Open
Applications for the 2025 Engineering & Construction Camps close on March 12! Visit the Engineering & Construction Camps page to submit your application for the 2025 season. -
Finding, Being, and Sharing the Value: SAME’s 2024 Year in Review
2024 was a year of building on success at SAME. Read the Year in Review and watch the wrap up video of 2024. -
Volunteers Needed – Future City Competition
Regional Competition Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025 Location: FedEx Headquarters, 1000 FedEx Drive, Moon Township, PA 15108 Volunteers are needed – see ESWP webpage below
Communities of Interest
SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.
Please contact posts@same.org if unable to reach anyone at this Post.