On May 15 at the 2024 Joint Engineer Training Conference in Orlando,Fla., Sharon Krock, SPWS, F.SAME, was sworn in as the 105th National President of SAME. Outgoing SAME President, Col. Charlie Perham, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), swore her in during the General Session on Wednesday in front of more than 2,000 people.
In this role, Krock will lead the National Leadership Team and the SAME Board of Direction in overseeing the governance and strategic efforts of the Society, its 25,000 members including 1,500 member companies, and over 100 Posts and Field Chapters around the world.
“I am so excited to be your President and I aim to share that excitement with all of you over the next year,” Krock said.

With a career spanning more than two decades within SAME, Krock’s journey from her initial membership in 2002 to her inauguration as the 105th National President is a testimony to her dedication to the Society and her commitment to taking on leadership opportunities as they came at her, from the local Post to the pinnacle of the organization.
As President of SAME, Krock will embrace the implementation, beginning in January 2025, of the 2030 SAME Strategic Plan, which she oversaw the development of this past year while President-Elect.
“This past year, together with the hard work of an amazing team co-chaired by Brian Duffy and Albert Romano, we’ve crafted the 2030 SAME Strategic Plan—just approved by our Board of Direction earlier this week,” Krock remarked. “Look for more details later this year to put that plan in place starting in January of 2025. One of my initiatives this year will be to align everything the Society does within the framework of the new strategic plan. In a nutshell, the plan focuses on Driving Partnerships, Delivering Solutions and Developing People. To achieve that, we’ll need to focus our resources, our members, our Posts, our Communities of Interest and our amazing SAME staff on the efforts that support those three D’s: Driving Partnerships, Delivering Solutions and Developing People.”
During her opening comments, she encouraged members to “Share the Value” that they get from their engagement in SAME, and to share with others their story, as we grow the collective community that the Society is for the military engineering and A/E/C sectors. Building on the theme of the past year to “Find the Value and Be the Value” Krock aims to motivate more people to discover what thousands have for decades: that there’s nowhere else like SAME! She also singled out the Communities of Interest and SAME Camps Program as especially critical to building the Society’s impact through the new strategic plan in the coming years.

Professionally, Krock is currently a Principal and Vice President at Schnabel Engineering, where she is branch leader of the firm’s Philadelphia office.
One of my initiatives this year will be to align everything the Society does within the framework of the new strategic plan. In a nutshell, the plan focuses on Driving Partnerships, Delivering Solutions and Developing People.
Sharon Krock, SPWS, F.SAME, 105th SAME President
Krock will be supported on the National Leadership Team by Mike Huffstetler,F.SAME, President-Elect; Col. Charlie Perham, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), Past President; and three Vice Presidents: Brig. Gen. Patrice Melancon, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), Ben Matthews, F.SAME, and Albert Romano, F.SAME.
Her involvement in SAME begins in 2002, when her boss “voluntold” her to attend a Post meeting. Leadership roles soon followed at the Post, and would then elevate to regional and national positions.But her impact is not just limited to her professional achievements. She’s also deeply committed to mentoring the next generation of engineering professionals, as seen in her longstanding involvement with the SAME STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps.
She also served as a National Vice President (2021-2023), where she led the Regional Vice Presidents and then the Human Capital COIs; Vice Chair for Events, Academy of Fellows Executive Committee (2020-2022); North Atlantic Regional Vice President (2017-2020); Elected Director (2013-2016); and Chair of the STEM Task Force (2013-2014). She was Philadelphia Post President (2012-2013) and co-chair of its Centennial Planning Committee. Krock, who became a Fellow in 2014, is the recipient of the SAME President’s Medal (2018) and SAME RVP Medal (2014), and was honored with the Philadelphia Post’s Liberty Bell Award (2013).
As she steps into the role of National President, the Society looks forward to her impact and influence, and her friendly demeanor and passion for supporting the nation are sure to make a positive mark on SAME’s future.Her oldest son is currently enrolled in college, as an engineering major and on a Navy ROTC scholarship. This time is not just a new chapter for her; it’s an exciting new chapter for SAME as well.
Founded in 1920, SAME through its 25,000 members, builds leaders and leads collaboration among government and industry to develop multi-disciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges. Since its founding, a storied list of leaders have served as Society President.
With a National Office in Alexandria, Va., and over 100 local Posts and Field Chapters around the world, the Society unites military, public, private, and academic sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, and contracting disciplines.
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