The Cape Fear Post in November held its 10th Annual Veteran’s Day of Hope. This day of service brings together members from across the local community to help make home renovations and repairs for veterans in need.
For the service project the Post supported this year, members helped a U.S. Army veteran by replacing the rotting and unsafe cabinets, bathroom, and floors in his house in order to ensure a safe and healthy living environment.
The Pittsburgh Post assisted in sponsoring the 7th Annual Security & Risk Management Symposium in November, which brought together 600 attendees to address cyber and physical security threats both in the region and globally, along with physical and cybersecurity countermeasures, and protection of critical infrastructure assets.
The symposium also was sponsored by the PA Governor’s Office of Homeland Security, Region 13 Counterterrorism Task Force, in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Western Pennsylvania All Hazards Fusion Center.

The Anchorage Post hosted a STEM Camp this fall with the support of the Calista Native Corp., through its subsidiary company Brice Construction.
The camp brought students from across the Calista area (which is the size of Georgia with no roads between the villages) to Anchorage and exposed them to STEM training and job opportunities they may have been unfamiliar with.
The Inland Empire Post held a STEM program at March ARB, Calif., that drew 25 attendees for hands-on learning opportunities. Post members set up three unique stations: 3D design and printing; rocket building and launching; and popsicle bridge construction and testing. Because the event was held on the base, many military kids were able to attend.

The Space Coast Post threw an “SBC After Party” in November where members had an opportunity to share their experiences, photos, and information from the event held in San Antonio. Attendees also enjoyed bingo, pizza, and axe throwing.
The After Party even drew several non-members, which provided a great opportunity to share the benefits of the Society.
The Washington DC and Northern Virginia Posts celebrated the graduation of their 2023 Leadership & Mentoring Program with a ceremony in December.
Col. Joseph Geary, USA, former Commander of USACE Savannah District, provided the keynote address to the class. He shared insights with the participants from over 25 years of experience in leading military and civil works projects.
The Northern Virginia Post held its third annual Fall Festival at Bull Run Winery.
At the event, which has continued to grow over the years, 48 members had an opportunity to enjoy the scenic views and great autumn weather, relax, and network and socialize with fellow colleagues and other members.

The Sacramento Post this fall held its third annual Veterans Day 5K Walk/Run at Curtis Park. Post members along with friends and family all came out to lace up their sneakers and enjoy the feel-good activity that raised money for its Scholarship Fund.

The Tampa Bay Post held its 9th Annual SAME Tampa Sporting Clay Shoot in early December. This year’s heavily anticipated event was the biggest one yet.
More than 120 participants made time to come out and enjoy a fun-filled day of competitive clay shooting, camaraderie, and relationship-building.

The Huntsville Post, in conjunction with the Travis Manion Foundation, supported the Wreaths for Veterans wreath laying community service project at Maple Hill Cemetery in Alabama. A total of 63 volunteers participated this fall, helping place more than 3,600 wreaths at the cemetery, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Members from the Baltimore Post, Mid-Maryland Post, Northern Virginia Post, and Philadelphia Post got together in November for a business luncheon. The group of neighboring Post members also enjoyed a tour of the White House to complete their day together.

At the Pikes Peak Post Membership Meeting in November, a full house listened to a panel of female leaders from across the A/E/C industry share their stories, lessons, and practical tools on how to support women colleagues and those rising in the STEM pipeline. The discussion was led by SAME Immediate Past President Cindy Lincicome, F.SAME.

The San Diego Post kicked off its 2023 Pacific Contractor Summit in October with briefings from NAVFAC and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, including speakers Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey, CEC, USN, Commander, NAVFAC; and Will Boudra, F.SAME, of the Joint Posture Management Office who presented the many challenges in integrating a theater-wide posture construction program and the necessity for collaborative solutions.
The event also was an opportunity for members to share issues and recommendations that had been generated last May during the Warfighter Seminar at the 2023 JETC in San Antonio.

The Houston-Galveston Post held a gathering in November that brought together members and past alumni of its Leader Development Program. Participants from the first, fourth, and current class had a chance to connect and reunite during the social activity.
A pair of members from the Panama City Post, Lt. Col. Jim Works, ANG (Ret.) and Allison Smith, joined with representatives from the American Institute of Architects to assist in judging the AIA Northwest Florida Gingerbread House Competition, held at Bay Point Academy. The Post helped sponsor the event, which was the first one held since Hurricane Michael hit in 2018.

Spotlight on Our Members
SAME’s multidisciplined membership spans the uniformed government, government civilian, private industry, academia, nonprofit, and student sectors. Through our uniquely joint environment, Society members collaborate and drive solutions for some of the toughest engineering challenges facing the A/E/C industry and our national security. Learn more about the benefits of SAME membership.
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