Find New Perspectives With Industry-Government Engagement Sessions at SBC

IGE session at SAME

The 2023 Federal Small Business Conference, being held in San Antonio, Texas, November 1-3, 2023, is nearly here! It’s not too late to sign up and power your priorities with IGE focused sessions and networking events. SBC is the one event where movers and shakers from both industry and government gather to present unique opportunities for you to learn from, and meet with business owners, decision-makers and leaders from government and the A/E/C industries.

Along with a sold-out Exhibit Hall, SBC offers one-on-one networking events, pre-conference webinars, micro-sessions, and business opportunity sessions presented by over a dozen federal agencies. SBC has gathered industry and government professionals to offer an impressive lineup of IGE focused discussions. Make your plans now to attend these essential events and be in the room where critical industry-government engagement happens.

Ukraine Work Group Information Session

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2023 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM CDT

This session will provide information on infrastructure reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, with perspectives from members of the country’s State Special Transport Service.

Speakers: William HaightIvan PopovSenior Soldier Oleksii ChuievFred Polk Oleksandr Korotchenko Senior Lt. Taras LliuinykKarl Jensen

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2023 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CDT

History shows that significant technology changes or other “mega trends” fundamentally reshape how DOD and other federal agencies use, plan, and operate installations. This panel will look at recent trends, information technology, climate resiliency, the nature of work, remote sensing and operations, rapid innovation, and muti-theater/spectrum threats to see how those trends may affect installations.

Speakers: John Mogge Paula LoomisMark ColemanLucian NiemeyerEd Jackson

Hope Isn’t a Method: Shrinking Industrial Base

Thursday, Nov 02, 2023 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CDT

The number of small businesses in the defense industrial base has declined by 40 percent in the past 10 years, and without action, the Department of Defense could lose an additional 15,000 suppliers over the next 10 years. In this session, find out what actions the federal procurement agencies may take to minimize this national security risk and rebuild a resilient and robust industrial base.

Speakers: Mercedes EnriqueCindy ReadalBrindle SummersZebulon FoxElizabeth Walker

Alternative (and Innovative) Delivery Methods for Construction 

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2023 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CDT

SAME’s Construction COI has a vision to help government become the “client of choice” for large and small general contractors, and start reversing the shrinking federal contractor base. This panel session will focus on alternative delivery methods as a proven way to solve inequitable risk sharing—which could help alleviate the problem of delivering federal construction projects on budget, on schedule, and with the highest quality.

Speakers: Glenn GoddardAaron IsleChris Kim Denver HeathDavid Curry Mark Morgan

Military Installation Planning: Integrating APA Best Practices

Thursday, Nov 02, 2023 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

Achieving community sustainability and resilience is a high priority in today’s urban planning profession. DoD Installation planners face the tough challenge of balancing community planning needs and military mission requirements. This session will focus on bridging and leveraging APA (American Planning Association), and providing approved professional development training.

Speakers: Blair SchantzAmy VandeveerEdmond GauvreauHeather Mendenall

AFWERX Challenge Program

Thursday, Nov 02, 2023 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT

Session Credit: 1

AFWERX Challenge is an expanded market research program to accelerate ideas towards demonstrated and deployed solutions that benefit the warfighter. The program matches solutions from across the innovation ecosystem, from individuals to startups, small and large businesses, academia, and research labs to prioritized Department of the Air Force problems. This process includes design thinking workshops, crowdsourced ideas, collaborative events, and flexible contracting pathways. This session will share more about upcoming opportunities, past success stories, and how to get involved.

Speakers: Scott MikosShanya HansCayley Dymond

Register now for the 2023 Federal Small Business Conference, in San Antonio, Texas, November 1-3, 2023. and make your plans to connect with a community of leading experts, decision-makers, solution providers, business partners, and federal contracting officers.

Are you looking to:

“SBC is very much worth it. Lots of relationships to make, partnering, teaming, good strategies to form going forward that can benefit you for the rest another calendar year. This is a great conference. If you are a small business, I highly recommend you attend.”

Wallace Smith, Garver USA
  • Connect with teaming partners
  • Compete in federal acquisition
  • Or engage in above-board networking between private companies and federal program managers and procurement/contracting officers?

Then join us for SBC 2023: Powering Your Priorities! Whether you are a small business looking to hear from and meet with government contracting officers about projects to compete for; a large business looking to meet with small businesses as potential subcontractors; or a government agency conducting market research of industry capacity to help set acquisition strategy, SBC is the ONLY venue where it’s all possible.

Registration information, housing information, and FAQs can all be found on the SBC website.

Collaborative Events and Programs

SAME’s world-class events and programs bring together members from across the country and globe for unique training and education opportunities, multidisciplined discussions on the toughest engineering challenges facing our nation, and unparalleled networking. Stay in the know on upcoming events and relive past events here.