Recapping the 2023 Post Leaders Workshop

posing with SAME sign

SAME Posts from across the country sent leaders to Fort Lauderdale, Florida from August 6-8 for the annual Post Leaders Workshop. Every year, SAME hosts this important gathering where new and experienced post leaders can come together to learn new best practices, hone their outreach skills, and have the rare opportunity to meet colleagues from across the country in a relaxed environment.

It was a great turnout! In total, 140 attendees from 67 Posts joined the workshop, representing all 18 regions around the world. Post representatives were introduced to the history, governance, and staff structure of SAME. Each educational session highlighted an aspect of SAME’s mission of strengthening and insuring America’s national security. An important element of that concept included providing an update on SAME’s 2030 Strategic Plan and why each Post is critical to these objectives.

After a meet and greet and an icebreaker reception, the attendees were ready to tackle the important themes of driving value for members through industry government engagement, training and education, and leader development. Other sessions focused on marketing, event planning, and techniques to recruit and retain members.

After a full day of sessions on Monday, participants were more than ready for a little levity. In a unique take on team building exercises, groups formed teams and were challenged to produce their best margaritas and salsas to be judged by a panel of enthusiastic judges.

This year’s PLW also served as the perfect venue for the official passing of the torch from SAME’s current Executive Director, Brig. Gen. Joseph Schroedel, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.) to his successor, Maj. Gen. Michael Wehr, P.E., USA (Ret.).

Each day of PLW provided new opportunities for members to learn more about fellow Post colleagues, discuss their challenges and opportunities, and share insights and perspectives. Thank you to our incredible and committed Posts all around the world, and a special thanks to the Post representatives who gave and continue to give their valuable time and expertise every day in support of our shared mission.

We can’t wait to see you next year!

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