Student Membership in SAME

Student Members represent the next generation of innovative STEM thinkers ready to take on the engineering challenges facing our national security. The Society is committed to recognizing the need to cultivate this valuable asset, and provide mentoring, occupational, and networking opportunities. Joining SAME as a Student Member is a great way to learn more about the A/E/C industry, begin to build your professional network, and find and develop mentoring relationships, and connect with peers interested in similar career paths.

SAME offers free membership to all full-time students, under age 25, enrolled in high school, two-year or four-year colleges and universities (through the undergraduate level), trade schools, and military academies. Student Members can participate in Student Chapters, which offer an opportunity for students to apply what they learn in the classroom while getting to know other students focused on pursuing a STEM future.

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University of Cincinnati SAME Student Chapter at Olmsted Dam

2025 SAME Undergraduate Innovation Design Challenge

Submissions for the 2025 SAME Undergraduate Innovation Design Challenge are due by February 21, 2025. (users will be required to log in or create an account)

Learn more about the student challenge

Enjoy these Benefits as a Student Member

  • Explore an array of programs designed to support your academics career and transition to professional life.
  • Participate in Student Chapters, which are located in colleges, universities, and service academies across the country. Because they are sponsored by an SAME Post (local chapter), Student Chapters also provide an opportunity for deeper connections to local professionals and mentors in the A/E/C industry.
  • Hear about internship opportunities with SAME corporate members in your local area and get to know industry professionals that can help you in starting out your career.
  • SAME Posts award scholarships to students pursuing degrees in STEM fields, collectively more than $1 million annually (in many cases, students need to be a member of the Post offering the scholarship to be eligible, or the local Student Chapter the Post supports).
  • To capitalize on the innovative thinking of Student Members, the Society has implemented an annual undergraduate innovation challenge to identify and recognize their great ideas. Eligible submissions may even be marketed to SAME’s corporate member firms.
  • Special registration to attend SAME’s premier national events, including the Joint Engineer Training Conference (JETC) and Federal Small Business Conference (SBC). These events give you exposure to leaders in the field, help you understand where industry trends are headed, and let you access the latest technical information, all while developing your professional network.
  • Student Member can participate in a diverse collection of Communities of Interest representing technical disciplines within the A/E/C industry, such as the Energy & Sustainability COI, Environment COI, Leader Development COI, or Facility Management COI.
  • Join the College Outreach COI to help shape Student Member engagement and pay it forward for other aspiring STEM professionals.
  • Stay informed of industry news, technical advancements, and important business updates with digital access to The Military Engineer magazine and Real TiME newsletter.

Terms & Details

SAME student memberships are for the entirety of your period as a student in high school, a two-year or four-year college/university, or service academy, up to the age of 25. Student Members that graduate or leave school will maintain their status for up to six months grace period. After that, you will need to join as an individual member.

Your student membership includes one Student Chapter and primary Post (chapter). Once you have submitted your membership application, we will contact you with instructions on how to complete a full profile and select your Post/Chapter so you can start maximizing your membership immediately!

NOTE: Dues are free for Student Members.

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