2023 SAME Foundation Donor Impact Report
Fostering Engineering Leadership for the Nation
From the Board Chair and President:

As Board Chair and President of the SAME Foundation, I welcome you to our 2023 Donor Impact Report. This year the SAME Foundation took major steps in maturing and enhancing on previous successes—major steps that were only possible because of the dedicated support of our generous donors. We received $158,627 in individual contributions and $113,250 in corporate donations, as well as grants of $50,000 in 2023. Thanks to these generous contributions, we have been able to propel the SAME Foundation to new heights and proudly contribute back to SAME, which executed all programs described throughout this Donor Impact Report. This has meant more life-changing opportunities for youth dreaming about a future in STEM and young professionals ready to take the next leap forward in their promising careers in the A/E/C profession and military engineering community.
The SAME Foundation maintains a Platinum Seal of Transparency by Candid (GuideStar) and a four-star rating with Charity Navigator.
Our flagship program, the Leader Development Program (LDP), continued its critical work to train high-potential engineering professionals from across the military and private sectors to meet the leadership needs of tomorrow. A total of 19 graduates successfully completed the yearlong curriculum in 2023, with another 18 in the fifth cohort scheduled to graduate in 2024 after beginning their journey in May 2023. Graduates from the LDP continue to seek out leadership positions both professional and volunteer in nature, putting their training to use in the real world. When you see the list of graduates from this year’s program, you are seeing the future leaders of our federal engineering community.
This year the SAME Foundation took major steps in maturing and enhancing on previous successes—major steps that were only possible because of the dedicated support of our generous donors.
Rear Adm. Dave Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.), SAME Foundation Board ChaiR
The capstone projects completed by the 2023 LDP class have already paid back to the Society and the A/E/C profession in spades, and their impact will only grow with time. There is no better example than our STEM Pathways for Indigenous Youth Program, which has its roots as a capstone project developed by members of the 2020-2021 LDP class. From that seed it has grown into a fully fledged program dedicated to bringing the possibilities of STEM careers to students in underserved populations. In 2023, the Foundation funded outreach efforts at four sites across the United States, providing kits, supplies, and transportation to facilitate events in New Mexico, Alaska, Florida, and Oklahoma, as well as hands-on inspiration to these aspiring engineers.
We also were able to conduct a more expansive Camps Mentoring Program to support SAME’s world-class STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps. These weeklong camps are simply the best way to set high school students on the path to STEM careers. Mentors play a large role in providing that value. In 2023, our mentors reached 221 campers across five national camps, providing guidance, close collaboration, role modeling, and encouragement for these future stars.
To those who have contributed to the SAME Foundation in 2023, whether through your generous contributions, your volunteer time, or your sharing of expertise, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. With your support, and to those who would like to donate today, we are reaching more students, more members, more professionals—and more dreamers—with our programs and building a stronger pipeline of engineering leaders for our nation.
I look forward to what is to come in 2024, with the hope that you will continue to stand by our side as we boldly widen the impact we are having on tomorrow’s engineering leadership.
With my deepest thanks,

Rear Adm. Dave Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.), SAME Foundation Board Chair
The SAME Foundation is committed to investing in programs that provide Society members, America’s youth, veterans, and others in the engineering community with unmatched opportunities to develop and grow personally and professionally. America’s future is bright. Discover how together, we are helping make it brighter.

In Appreciation – 2023 SAME Foundation Donors
“Thank you to all the donors, and the SAME Foundation, for making my dream a reality.”
Kathryn Thomas, 2023-2024 LDP Class Member
Leader Development Program Impact
Funding provided by the SAME Foundation for the LDP in 2023
Average hours of dedicated leadership training each participant receives over the course of the year
Total graduates from the Leader Development Program as of 2023
Number of successful Utilization Projects delivered by LDP participants as of 2023
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders
Aimed at identifying and nurturing talent within mid-career engineering professionals, the Leader Development Program is at the forefront of developing future leaders for our nation. Entirely financially underwritten by the SAME Foundation, the program saw another 19 leaders graduate during the 2023 JETC and make their mark on the federal engineering community.
Participants in the LDP embark on a year-long journey that consists of hands-on training, academic study, mentoring and coaching, and active engagement to increase their leadership skills and discover their path and personal style. Over the course of the year, each participant dedicates approximately 120 hours to a regimen of monthly webinars, mentor meetings, and book discussions. The program culminates in the completion of an Utilization Project Implementation Capstone (UPIC), a self-led research project targeting key needs or interest areas of SAME or the A/E/C profession.
UPICs In Action
Knowledge Network
Brandi Smith, The HFW Companies; Camille Murray, Eurofins Calscience; and Maj. Brec Wilshusen, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), 55th Civil Engineer Squadron; 2022-2023 LDP Class*

Inspired by Smith’s previous challenges as the Programs Chair at the Kentuckiana Post in finding engaging speakers and topics for monthly membership luncheons, these three graduates harnessed the capabilities of SAME’s Enterprise Management System to create an online tool that Posts, Communities of Interest (COIs), and other Society groups can use to manage, organize, and discover subject matter experts willing to present on a variety of topics.
Following their graduation, and the completion of its first phase, the team has continued work on its development, moving to increase the number of enrolled subject matter experts available on the platform and increase its integration with the day-to-day operations of the Society. Their initial benchmark in this phase is to enroll at least 300 speakers with 500 speaking topics that encompass 12 to 15 technical and management areas. While the project will take time before it becomes fully operational, given both its technical scope and human aspects, the journey to develop a valuable resource for SAME is an invaluable leadership test.
“In the long term, we hope the Knowledge Network will become integrated into the day-to-day of SAME. This platform can become a centralized place to find an expert, identify next month’s speaker for your Post, or scroll through past presentations.“
Brandi smith, LDP Class of 2022-2023
Climate Change Webinar Series
JR Gregory, Towill; 2023-2024 LDP Class

Continuing a previous effort hosted in conjunction with the San Francisco Post, Gregory developed and led two teams comprised of subject matter experts in climate change to host a webinar series highlighting the science of climate change and the engineering needs for adapting to the future. In developing the webinars, Gregory coordinated with organizations such as the Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, National Weather Service, California Department of Water Resources, and University of California San Diego, along with SAME’s Resilience COI.
The program’s dual objectives are to educate participants about the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change while also exploring areas where science could be enhanced for engineers and investigating ways that engineering can be improved to effectively address climate change.
Solving the Labor Shortage Through Collaboration
Kathryn Thomas, ANAMAR Environmental Consulting; 2023-2024 LDP Class

For her UPIC project, Thomas sought to address the labor shortage with a creative, personal solution. She aimed to create in-person, skills-based training that built skills for those who are involved in the carceral system, or formerly incarcerated, with the end certification leading to full-time employment in dredging at entry-level. This effort will directly help combat the ongoing challenges of labor shortages in the A/E/C industry.
At the end of the 100-hour program, Thomas’s team had handed out over $22,000 in certificates covering life and work skills for currently incarcerated men, aiding them in finding employment after incarceration. Skills trained include OSHA-30, First Aid/CPR, Blood Born Pathogen, Leadership, Social Behavior Learning, and others. This UPIC, funded by the SAME Foundation, leveraged collaborations with Western Dredging Society, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and the 4th Circuit Court of Florida.
“Being part of this all-star LDP class, I was able to better understand my own personal leadership strengths and weaknesses, and I was able to create a program that not only adds value to the strategic plan of SAME, but can solve parts of the labor shortage problem right now.”
kathRyn thomas, ldp class of 2023-2024
Graduates Leading the Way
While the UPICs are essential to the LDP, the real heart and soul of the program lies in its participants. From its inception, the program has accepted a balanced blend of dedicated professionals from the uniformed services and private industry, and even academia. In 2023, the 19 members of the graduating class hailed from 18 different states, with the 19th member hailing from Europe. This diversity enriches the experience, allowing for the exploration of individual strengths and team dynamics within a truly joint environment.
Their year of focused study for LDP participants is only the beginning. Graduates from the program increasingly take on leadership roles within the Society and other professional organizations, lending their leadership skills to the local, regional, and national level.

Chief Master Sgt. Adam Boubede, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), Black & Veatch
Class of 2022-2023
Europe Regional Vice President

Emelia Brooks-Sisco, Calibre Engineering
Class of 2023-2024
Tulsa Post President

Rene Cortez, P.E., PG, Oneida ESC Group
Class of 2023-2024
San Antonio Post President

Joshua Graham, P.E., CCM, F.SAME, HDR
Class of 2022-2023
Fellow, Class of 2023

Andy Harlan, Smith Seckman Reid Inc.
Class of 2022-2023
Tennessee Valley Post President

Merle Keener, PRIME AE Group Inc.
Class of 2022-2023
Virginia Peninsula Post President

Lt. Erin Krug, P.E., PMP, USNR, CONSOR Engineers
Class of 2019-2020
SAME Elected Director 2023-2026

Zakary Payne, Matrix Design Group
Class of 2019-2020
Leader Development COI Chair

Lt. Cdr. Kevin Remley, P.E., USPHS, Indian Health Service
Class of 2020-2021
SAME Service Liaison Officer, U.S. Public Health Service

Jorge Rodriguez, P.E., M.S. Hatch Consulting
Class of 2019-2020
Orange County Post President

Colleen Rust, PG, PMP, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology Inc., PBC
Class of 2020-2021
Southwest Regional Vice President

Brandi Smith, The HFW Companies
Class of 2022-2023
Kentuckiana Post President and Leader Development Task Force Chair
*Company affiliation as of 8/15/2024

“Everybody pushes you to want to be better day after day. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to not only integrate themselves within SAME, not only get a chance to expand their network, but learn some very key leadership skills and be driven with a purpose every day that they show up.”
christian ward, LDP Class 2023-2024
STEM Pathways for Indigenous Youth Program Impact
Funding provided by the SAME Foundation in 2023
Locations where STEM outreach events for underserved communities were held in 2023
American Indian students in Albuquerque, N.M., who benefited from STEM outreach activities in 2023
Total AI/AN students reached through STEM outreach events in 2023
Meeting Underserved Communities Where They Are
Previously named “We Must Go To Them,” the SAME Foundation’s program advancing STEM engagement with American Indian/Alaska Native communities saw a name change to “STEM Pathways for Indigenous Youth” to better reflect the broadening reach of the program. In 2023, the Foundation funded outreach activities at four sites across the nation, as well as creating forward leaning strategies that would best serve the STEM educational needs of underserved communities in the future. Moreover, the program qualified for a grant from the United Engineering Foundation (to be implemented in 2024) that will help expand the outreach efforts to more youth and more locations. The life-changing impacts through this program, which began through an LDP UPIC, are just getting started.

Albuquerque, New Mexico
In Albuquerque, N.M., the SAME Foundation partnered with the SAME Albuquerque Post and Tribal nations across the area to provide valuable STEM engagements with students.
- Students from seven high schools were provided transportation to the New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement Water Symposium. This science fair competition focused on water challenges and also offered a career fair.
- A total of five Chromebooks were provided to the American Indian Services Pre-Freshman Engineering Program of the Navajo Nation.
- Students with the SAY H20 Program of the Santa Ana Pueblo were provided hands-on STEM kits and instructional time.
- The Pueblo of San Felipe’s After School Program received $1,350 in STEM activity kits for their program that regularly draws between 10 and 25 students each day.
Anchorage, Alaska
Funding from the SAME Foundation, in partnership with the SAME Anchorage Post and the Calista Native Corporation, helped to support a three-day STEM Camp for high school students in the Calista region of Alaska. This area is roughly the size of Georgia and includes 56 villages, with no roads between villages. In order for students to attend the camp, held in Anchorage at the Alaska Laborers Training School, sponsors covered air transportation and dorm lodging costs for the students between $750 and $1,000 each. The event provided a valuable opportunity for these students to be exposed to training and job opportunities they otherwise would not be.

Panama City, Florida
In Panama City, Fla., the Foundation partnered with a team of Tribal nations, private industry firms, and academic institutions to conduct a three-day STEM Archaeology Camp for student members of the Chickasaw Nation. The camp included environmental-science-focused activities such as groundwater sampling, turbidity, GIS mapping, and the effects of erosion on wildlife and culturally significant artifacts. Supporting partners for the camp included the Chickasaw Nation, NDN Companies, Florida Public Archaeology Network, and the University of North Florida, Museum of Science and History.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Partnering with the Cherokee Nation Department of Education, the Foundation provided a smartboard, stand, and buzzer system for the department’s STEM program. This program sees more than 200 middle and high school students participate each year, and the new technology provided through this outreach will help support future STEM competitions put on by the students.

“It is programs like the STEM Pathways that can build up a region, pull people out of poverty, raise families, and change lives. I genuinely appreciate the effort, and that I got to be a part of it.”
Lori Kropidlowski, Ahtna Native Corp. and LDP Class 2021-2022
Camps Mentoring Program Impact
Funding provided to Camp Mentors in 2023
Mentors brought to STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps in 2023
Students who attended SAME STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps in 2023
Average cost to bring a mentor to one of SAME’s STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps
Inspiring Future Engineers at STEM Camps
For more than 20 years, SAME’s STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps have successfully introduced young high school students to the career possibilities in engineering. Through their unique partnerships with the military services, the five SAME camps held in 2023 offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students to interact with military engineers in their home environment, working alongside them for a week on base with hands-on activities while also learning from other young professionals in the A/E/C industry and even engineering-related faculty.
Carrying out these camps each year, however, is no small feat. Hundreds of dedicated volunteers work throughout the year to plan exciting and educational activities, coordinate with installation personnel, manage logistics and registration, and make sure each camper gets value out of their week. And no volunteer makes more of an impression on the campers than the camp mentors. These volunteers are assigned to each camper squad, following them through every activity that week, offering advice, guidance, and an up-close-and-personal look at professional engineering. Time and time again, campers point to their week at camp, and the impression their mentors made on them, as a reason why they decided to pursue STEM and engineering careers after their camp, even for many a future in military service.
Providing critical support for these dedicated volunteers is the SAME Foundation. Through the Camp Mentoring Program, the Foundation provides travel stipends, lessening the financial burdens on these professionals and their companies to attend and share their experiences with the next generation. With five national camps in 2023 and a need for up to 20 mentors at each—not to mention the additional support staff, coordinators, and directors for each camp—there are hundreds of professionals who share their time and funds to invest in these future engineers. With the SAME Foundation’s support, we are lowering these barriers, increasing the number of Enlisted and Young Professionals able to mentor and share their unique insights.
“Some of these kids have never held a hammer or saw before, and by the end they’re building awesome stuff. And the leadership and team work they get through this, it continually blows away the staff…it really inspires me to keep doing this year after year.”
Cody Reese, 2023 STEM/Engingeering & Construction Camp Mentor
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Vicksburg, Miss.

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune – Jacksonville, N.C.

Naval Construction Battalion Center – Port Hueneme, Calif.

Scott Air Force Base – Scott AFB, Ill.

U.S. Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs, Colo.

“This camp probably couldn’t give you a better opportunity to see real life military engineering. I think the best thing about this camp is that it blends not only fun academic STEM military life but then also some fun activities for the high school students.”
Nick Overby, 2023 STEM/Engineering & Construction Camp Mentor
2023 SAME Foundation Donors
Thank you to each of our donors who gave so generously in 2023, continuing a tradition of philanthropic support dating back to our Founding Donors. Your commitment and continued support to the SAME Foundation made possible the important programs that will foster engineering leadership for the nation. Through your generous giving, you are helping make America’s future brighter!

2023 – Diamond Level $10,000 +
Ansys Inc.
Baker Hughes Foundation
Mario Burgos
2023 – Emerald Level $5,000 – $9,999
CMS Corporation
Christopher Conger
Jennifer Fogg-Lickteig, F.SAME
Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
The Honorable John Henderson, P.E., F.SAME
Col. C. Patrick Hogeboom IV, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Rear. Adm. Michael Johnson, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Gene Lupia, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
Manish Mardia, P.E.
Rear Adm. Dave Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.)
Jane Penny, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.)
Avinash Rachmale, P.E.
Dan Schnepf
Semper Tek, Inc.
Melissa Smith, F.SAME
Jessica Travis
Tulsa Post
2023 – Platinum Level $2,500 – $4,999
Maj. Gen. Timothy Byers, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Mercedes Enrique, F.SAME
Michelle French, F.SAME
Col. Miro Kurka, P.E., PMP, USA (Ret.)
2023 – Gold Level $1,000 – $2,499
Lt. Col. R. Morris Benson, USAF (Ret.)
Steven Blinderman, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME
Col. Patrick Coullahan, P.E., PMP, CFM, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Environmental Research Group, L.L.C.
Maj. Gen. Timothy Green, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Rear Adm. Katherine Gregory, P.E., USN (Ret.)
John Guckert
Col. William Haight, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. Donald Hall, Ph.D., P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Dennis Henning, P.E., F.ASCE
Anthony Leketa, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), SES (Ret.)
Col. Charles Myers, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Omaha Community Foundation
Hal Rosen, F.SAME (Dist.)
Capt. Robert Schlesinger, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Jon Schmidt, P.E.
Dan Schwartz
Graham Sharpe, P.E.
Heather Wishart-Smith, P.E., PMP, LEED AP, F.SAME
Michele Torres, PMP
TRC Companies, Inc.
Lt. Col. David Yang, CFM, LEED AP, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
2023 – Silver Level $500 – $999
Lt. Col. Christopher Boruch, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. Robin Cababa, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Maj. Steven Dikcis, USAF (Ret.)
Capt. John Faunce, P.E., USN (Ret.)
Col. James Frishkorn, PMP, F.SAME, USAFR (Ret.)
Beth Harris, CPSM, FSMPS, F.SAME
Wallace Hirouji, P.E.
Maj. Gen. Donald Jackson, USA (Ret.)
Lt. Col. Scott Kearby, ANG (Ret.)
Brian Lally, P.E., CEM
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Lin, USAF (Ret.)
Vice Adm. Michael Loose, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Brig. Gen. Patrice Melancon, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Rear Adm. Bret Muilenburg, P.E., USN (Ret.)
Col. Timothy O’Rourke, USA (Ret.)
Richard Rubin, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME
Col. Robert Ruch, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Rear Adm. Michael Shelton, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Col. Gary Tucker, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Mike Wehr, USA (Ret.)
Les Willigar
Lt. Col. James Works, P.E., PMP, ANG (Ret.)
2023 – Bronze Level $100 – $499
Lt. Col. Robert Adamski, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Tokes Adesida
Ernest Aitchison, Esq.
Maj. Claudia Akroyd, USA (Ret.)
Col. Matthew Altman, P.E., F.SAME, USAF
Philios Angelides, P.E., F.SAME
Cmdr. Joseph Angell, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Victor Angell, P.E.
Thomas Asbery
Eric Aukee
Lt. Col. Patrick Balcazar, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Brian Balukonis, PG
Danielle Barner, PMP
Lt. Col. Wendell “Buddy” Barnes, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USA (Ret.)
Paul Barter
Capt. Stephen Bell, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
George Bernard
Jason Biggar, P.E.
Ed Bledowski, RA
Roger Blevins
Capt. Michael Blount, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Lisa Brandon, P.E.
Jilian Breeden, P.E., LEED AP
Col. David Brewer, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Gilbert Brindley, P.E.
Capt. Emelia Brooks-Sisco, ANG
Spencer Brott
Sherry Browder
Col. Lloyd Brown, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Susan Brown
William Brown, P.E.
Riishi Bunsee
Lloyd Caldwell, P.E., F.SAME
Jeff Carnahan
Jim Carter, F.SAME
Kevin Chafin, RA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Col. Edward Chamberlayne, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Chesapeake Post
Brig. Gen. Paul Chinen, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Sally Clark, CPSM
Harry Clincy
Col. Michael Colacicco, USA (Ret.)
Maj. Phil Compton, USAF
Col. Charles Coneway, P.E., F.SAME, USAFR (Ret.)
Col. Terence Connell, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Lisa Cooley
James Corcoran
Chris Cornell, P.E.
Mark Correll, P.E.
Dale Crandell, Ph.D., PMP, CFM
Dierdre Crowl
Brig. Gen. James D’Agostino, USAF (Ret.)
Lt. Col. Michael Darrow, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Fred Davis, P.E.
Jeff Davis, F.SAME
Cmdr. Roland DeGuzman, P.E., CEM, F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Richard Delaney, RA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Col. David Demartino, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Ronald DesGranges, PMP
Chip DeShields
Nick Desport, RA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Shawn Dolan
Rodlin Dorvil, P.E.
Henry Allen Dulaney, P.E., F.SAME
Col. John Dvoracek, USA (Ret.)
Col. Jeffrey Eckstein, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Lt. Col. Ryan Elliott, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Michelle Exaros
Col. Jerry Farnsworth, USA (Ret.)
Maj. William Farr, USA (Ret.)
Bruce Faudree
Federal Contracts Corp
Marvin Fisher, LEED AP
Col. Michael Foley, USA (Ret.)
Joshua Frank
Joan Freitag, F.SAME
Andy Fruehling
Donna Gaignard
Rear Adm. Randall J.F. Gardner, P.E., FAIA, F.SAME, USPHS (Ret.)
Linda Geldner, RA
Michael Giaramita
Col. Donald Gleason, P.E., PMP, USAF (Ret.)
Jatinder Goel
Larry Goodrich
Paul Graham
Col. Robert Grainger, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Robert Griffin, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Capt. William Grip, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Dakeisha Gross
Joseph Gross, P.E.
Elaine Guarriello
Andrew Guatelli
Jung Hyoun (Jane) Han
Capt. Joseph Harder, P.E. USN (Ret.)
Col. Stuart Harrison, P.E., CFM, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. Dean Hartman, USAF
Lt. Gen. Henry Hatch, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Massie Hatch, P.E.
Col. David Haworth, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Heapy Engineering
Debi Heims, FSMPS, F.SAME
Brig. Gen. Michael Herman, P.E., F.SAME, ARNG (Ret.)
Alicia Hernandez
Michael Hernandez
Rudy Herzog
Col. Douglas Hibshman, USMCR
Hylton Hobday
Sarah Hodge, LEED AP
James Hoffman, P.E., LEED AP, CEM
Col. Ronald Hudson, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Michael Huffstetler, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Mark Ilich
Justin Jacobs
Richard Jaquay, P.E.
Bruce Jones
T. Duff Joseph, P.E.
Kyu Jung
Stephen Karl
John Kennedy, Ph.D., PMP, LEED
Mark Kessinger, PMP, F.SAME
James Kirk
Col. Jason Kirk, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Col. Richard Kochanek, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Capt. William Kozak, P.E., F.SAME, USCG (Ret.)
Sharon Krock, SWPS, F.SAME
Allen Kronstadt
Elizabeth Krowne
Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, Ph.D., P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Timothy Kyper, P.E., F.SAME
I. Braxton Kyzer, P.E.
Paris Land
Col. Jack LeCuyer, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Yvonne Lee, RA
Lt. Col. Philip LeGrand, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
John Lenfestey, P.E.
Robert Leonetti
Lexi Lessaris
Lawrence Levy, P.E.
Robert Liguori
Dezso Linbrunner
Cindy Lincicome, F.SAME
Justin Lindteigen
Maj. Gregory Linville, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Maj. Lorance Lisle, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Pamela Little, P.E., PMP
John Lorne
Chief Master Sgt. Robert Lovett, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Firas Makarem
Ravi Maniktala
Col. Joe Manous, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Lt. Col. Joseph Marcinkevich, USAF (Ret.)
Angie Martinez, P.E., F.SAME
Col. Stephen Massey, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Toney Mathews, P.E., PMP
Maj. Elizabeth May, USAF (Ret.)
Mary McDeavitt
Capt. Shane McNamara, ARNG
Maj. Edward Mears, PG, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Jeffrey Merz, P.E., PMP
Sean Milani-nia
Col. John Millar, USAR (Ret.)
Glen Miller
Jason Miller
Gary Mizell
Dana Molinari
Col. P. Scott Morris, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Col. Peter Mueller, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Lt. Col. John Mullans, P.E., USA (Ret.)
James Murphy
Lt. Col. Stanley Murphy, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Aaron Murray, F.SAME
Glenn Nelson, P.E.
Michael Nettie
Dave Newkirk, F.SAME
Col. Robert Nicholson, USA (Ret.)
Catherine Niles
George Nyfeler, LEED AP
Cullen O’Brien
David O’Brien, LEED
Mark Ohlstrom, P.E., F.SAME
Col. John O’Neill, USA (Ret.)
Capt. Steven Osgood, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USCG
Dana Otto
Nick Overby, P.E.
Brig. Gen. Paul Owen, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Corey Pacer
Alex Pamboris
Russell Patterson, GISP, LEED AP, F.SAME
Timothy Pedro
Col. Charles Perham, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Col. Robert Peters, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Paul Phillips
Bruce Preston, PMP, RA, NCARB, LEED AP
Matt Preston
Christopher Prinslow, P.E., F.SAME
James Quin, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME
Juan Ramos, P.E., PMP
Col. David Ray, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Marty Ray
Kevin Razzaghi
Prashanthi Reddy
Karen Reed
Lori Revely
Justin Rhyneer
Lt. Col. Clifford Richardson, P.E., USAFR (Ret.)
Col. William Riehl, P.E., USAFR (Ret.)
Sally Riker, F.SAME
Col. John Rivenburgh, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Caroline Roberts, GISP, F.SAME
Thomas Robison
Rear Adm. Sven Rodenbeck, Ph.D., P.E., F.SAME, USPHS (Ret.)
Edward Ruinello
Jaime Rojas, P.E.
Albert Romano, F.SAME
Maj. Henry Rosoff, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Peter Rouse
Ryan Rowles
Tomra Russell
Jonathan Ryan, P.E., LEED AP
Lt. Col. Jethro Sadorra, USAF
Candice Scale
Amy Schaap, RA, LEED AP
Col. Carl Sciple, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Lake Sedberry
Brig. Gen. Gregory Seely, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. Nam Shelton, PMP, CFM, USAF
Thomas Shelton
Christopher Shepard, P.E.
Lt. Col. Stephen Shepard, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Victor Siaurusaitis
Rear Adm. Ronald Silva, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USCG (Ret.)
James Smith
Scott Smith
Col. David Spaulding, USA (Ret.)
Capt. Thomas Stallman, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Kenneth Steele, P.E., D.WRE
Master Sgt. Todd Stone, USAR (Ret.)
Susan Thames, F.SAME
Col. Allen Thibeaux, USAF (Ret.)
Eric Thomas
Glenn Thompson
Col. Richard Thompson, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
York Thorpe, F.SAME
Sheri Tickner, PMP
Nicholas Tomkins
Lt. Col. Edward Treanor, USAF (Ret.)
Ted Trueblood, P.E., F.SAME
Col. Michael Ulekowski, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. James Van Epps, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. William Verkest, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Karen Vogel
Lt. Col. Karl Voigt, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Dennis Vonasek
Kirste Webb
Martha Weekley
Donald Weisstuch, P.E., F.SAME
Col. Ronald Welch, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Ricky Wente, LEED AP
Col. Eric Wilbur, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Carrie Ann Williams, CPSM, F.SAME
Melvin Williams, F.SAME
Maj. R. Brec Wilshusen, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Neeld Wilson, PG
Lt. Col. Neal Wright, P.E., PMP, F.ASCE, F.NSPE, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Johnathan Woolworth
Joseph Yates, P.E., USN (Ret.)
Carol Young (Wirth)
Capt. Christos Zirps, USN (Ret.)
Col. James Zody, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
2023 – Supporter Level Up To $100
Leonardo Acevedo
Mohammad Naser Ahmadi
Francisco Alonso, P.E.
Neville Anderson, CHMM
Sara Anderson, P.E.
Allan Arias
Capt. Melissa Arles, USCG
Pedro Astudillo
S. Pelin Atasoy
Angela Bacon
Capt. Casey Baker, USCG (Ret.)
Col. John Baker, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Harold Balbach, Ph.D., F.SAME
Sam Barnett
Samuel Bates, P.E.
Owen Bethel
Joshua Biggers, P.E., PMP, LEED AP
Donn Booker, F.SAME
Erik Booker
Col. John Booth, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Maj. John Borland, USA
Chief Master Sgt. Adam Boubede, F.SAME, USAF
John Brandon
Joe Brink, RA, LEED AP
Lt. Col. Craig Bryant, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Robert Bull
Amber Bullard
Robert Burton, P.E.
Victoria Cabanos
Norm Campbell, CEM, F.SAME
Douglas Carvel, P.E.
Conrad Celestial
Capt. Chris Coggins, P.E., CEC, USN
Donald Collins, P.E.
David Comer
Matthew Conger-Eldeen
Charles Cook
Lisa Copley
Rene Cortez, P.E., PG
Karlus Cozart, F.SAME
Nancy Crowley
Dave Curfman, P.E.
Paul Curtis
Aubrey Dadulo
Chris Dartez
Daniel Davies
Matthew Dellinger
Cpl. Alix Dresdner, USA
Robert Duke
Lt. Col. John Enyeart, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Bill Fierst
Cory Fleitz
Sarah Fowlkes
Jerry Fulwiler
Dylan Galt
Darshan Gandhi
Juste Tresor Gatari, RA, LEED AP
Cooper Gill
Russell Gingras
Give Lively Foundation, Inc.
Summer Gladden, LEED AP
Col. Kevin Golinghorst, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Chowdhary Gondy, PMP
Joshua Graham, P.E., PMP, CCM, F.SAME
Maj. Victor Guinn, USAF
Mary Gunnison
Lt. Col. Bruce Haigh, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Ed Hale
Craig Hancock
Maj. Rachel Harrington, ANG
Col. Michael Hass, P.E., USAF (Ret.)
Jordan Haught
Col. Anthony Higdon, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Carlyn Hiller
Col. Charles Hines, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Ben Hough
Michael Howe, P.E., F.SAME
Bradly Irish
Charles Jones, P.E., F.SAME
Pamela Jones-Smith
Senior Master Sgt. Henry Joseph, USAF
Petty Officer 2nd Class Jim Kelley, USN
Bhanuprakash Kunam
Heidreich Kunz
Nancy Larson
Wade Lawrence, PMP
Col. Irvin Lee, P.E., F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
Ken Leland
William Logan, F.SAME
Ryan Lupia
Capt. Jay Manik, P.E., F.SAME, USCG (Ret.)
Dan Marion
Alexander Masters
Jeffrey Mather
Thomas May, P.E.
Timothy McGeever
Earl McIntosh
Scott McPherson
Michael Milano
Col. Chris Miller, P.E., USAF
Dennis Milsten
Arty Molinari
Lt. Col. Francis Mondo, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME, USAFR (Ret.)
Capt. Michael Monreal, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
Jeremy Montgomery
Brandon Nash
David Nelson, PG
Steven Nelson, P.E.
Scott Nesbit, P.E.
Lucian Niemeyer, F.SAME
Col. Sal Nodjomian, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
Kathy Off, PMP
Ronald Ortego
Lt. Col. Robert Ottesen, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Col. Jack Otteson, P.E., USA (Ret.)
Stephen Parker
Master Sgt. Shane Payne, USA
Abel Plazola
Kenneth Polasek
Ashlyn Poss
John Preston
Christina Przygoda, PMP, RA, LEED AP, NCARB
Jin Quin
Capt. Robert Quinn, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Michael Radbill, P.E.
Mizan Rashid
Brandon Roberts
Jackie Robinson-Burnette
Carlos Sanchez, LEED AP, F.SAME
Stephen Sanderson
Matthew Schoonover
Joshua Silbaugh, RA, LEED AP
Jo Ellen Sines
Kaitlyn Snyder
Lt. Col. Kendall Spooner, P.E., USA
Patricia Stephen
Omar Stephenson
Albert Stewart
Richard Stump, RA, LEED AP, F.SAME
Peter Sweeney, Ph.D., P.E., CCM
Tywann Telfair
James Thomas
Gonzalo Trenosky
Sutha Vallipuram, P.E.
Todd Van Dahlen, Ph.D.
Kathy Vandenheuvel
Harold von Dran, P.E.
Maj. Frank Ward, P.E., PMP, CCM, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
Jeremy Westcott
Russell Wharton
Col. Randy Whitecotton, CEM, USAF
Karen Williams
Blake Wilson, PG
Tyler Wits
Sgt. Maj. Melissa Wright, USAR
Capt. John Woods, P.E., USAR (Ret.)
Lee Ann Zelesnikar
Jeff Zellner, RA, LEED AP
Marilyn Zenko, F.SAME
Kori Zummach
About the SAME Foundation
In 2016, with a vision to strengthen and expand the philanthropic efforts of SAME and the lasting contributions of its members, partners, and stakeholders in every phase of progress in the engineering, architecture, and construction fields over the last century, the SAME Foundation was established to “foster engineering leadership for the nation.”
The SAME Foundation supports programs that help introduce youth to STEM, support them on their journey to STEM careers, and develop emerging leaders within the A/E/C profession. Signature efforts include the SAME Leader Development Program, Camps Mentoring Program, and STEM Pathways Program. The SAME Foundation also provides a secure and beneficial repository for charitable and other bequeaths from members of the Society and the public. A total of 15 SAME Posts maintain their charitable funds in the Foundation as separate, restricted lines.
2023 SAME Foundation Financial Summary
At the end of 2023, the SAME Foundation held $4.496 million, which includes $1.929 million nationally available and $2.567 million on behalf of Posts (these are managed separately as restricted accounts but contribute to the overall portfolio and help lower administrative fees).
Sources of revenue | 2023 | 2022 |
Individual donations | $158,627 | $169,590 |
Corporate donations | $113,250 | $43,990 |
Grants | $50,000 | $61,000 |
Investment income | $163,061 | ($224,830) |
Expenses | 2023 | 2022 |
Leader Development Program | $135,890 | $100,000 |
STEM Pathways for Indigenous Youth Program | $20,000 | $4,000 |
Camps Mentoring Program | $10,000 | $60,000 |
Formerly Incarcerated Training UPIC | $15,000 | — |
The SAME Foundation is registered as a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Contributions to the SAME Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law—EIN: 81-1960637.
The SAME Foundation has received a Platinum Seal of Transparency by Candid (GuideStar) and a four-star rating with Charity Navigator.

SAME Foundation Board of Directors
We are fortunate to have an extraordinary group of individuals to lead the SAME Foundation, including several past SAME National Presidents. The SAME Foundation is chaired by Rear Adm. Dave Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.).
- Rear Adm. Dave Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.)* – Board Chair
- Steve Blinderman, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME
- Capt. Mike Blount, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)*
- Maj. Gen. Timothy Byers, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)*
- Mercedes Enrique, MBA, F.SAME
- Eddie Gonzalez
- Col. Bill Haight, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- The Honorable John Henderson, P.E., F.SAME
- Maj. Gen. Ed Jackson, P.E., USA (Ret.)
- Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)*
- Col. Sal Nodjomian, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)*
- Brig. Gen. Paul Owen, P.E., USA (Ret.)
- Jane Penny, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.)*
- Sally Riker, F.SAME
- Capt. Bob Schlesinger, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
- Rear Adm. Ronald Silva, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USCG (Ret.)
- Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- J.R. Steele, JD
- Susan Thames, F.SAME
*Past SAME National President

Ways to Support the SAME Foundation
Individual Donations
A significant portion of the SAME Foundation’s raised funds comes from annual donations by individuals. Make a contribution today and support the nation’s future engineering leaders.
Planned Giving
Include SAME Foundation in your planned giving such as bequest through wills, creating a permanent legacy for yourself within SAME. Contact Kathy Off with questions.
Corporate Campaign
Corporations and organizations, including SAME member companies, may donate to the success of the SAME Foundation and future leaders, with perpetual recognition for your company.