Welcome to SAME’s Annual Report for 2023. This look back at 2023 celebrates the accomplishments, milestones, and memories from this uniquely dynamic year.
As a nonprofit association, the Society is required to issue a report each year that, at minimum, publishes our financial summary and membership statistics. However, the minimum is not enough for us. As you’ll read in the introduction letter by Maj. Gen. Mike Wehr, USA (Ret.), SAME Executive Director, we want to “hunt the good stuff”—and that means sharing what makes SAME such a truly special organization: not just the numbers, but the story behind those numbers—the people and the experiences we remember.
This year’s Annual Report is jam-packed with the good stuff. You’ll read about Posts and Regions that broke new records with industry days. You’ll hear about the SAME Foundation’s first corporate partnership to support SAME’s Leader Development Program and other leadership and STEM initiatives. You’ll relive the inaugural IGE Summit at the 2023 Capital Week and its impact in helping establish a new Construction COI. You’ll see efforts big and small to continue driving industry-government engagement and develop the human capital that our engineering community needs. Above all, you’ll see a tapestry of individuals, from all manner of backgrounds and technical disciplines, coming together to deliver solutions for the nation.

News From the Society
SAME’s News From the Society covers historical milestones, reports, and other notable events from across the organization.
Finding, Being, and Sharing the Value: SAME’s 2024 Year in Review
2024 was a year of building on success at SAME. Read the Year in Review and watch the wrap up video of 2024. -
2030 Strategic Plan Implementation: Status, Timeline & Impact
Guest Post by Kathy Off, SAME National Office In January 2025, the Society will officially introduce the 2030 SAME Strategic Plan, outlining the mission, vision, goals, and objectives that will drive the efforts of members, partners, and stakeholders over the next five years. However, while a new strategic plan is an important milestone in SAME’s […] -
2023 SAME Foundation Donor Impact Report
The SAME Foundation’s 2023 Donor Impact Report looks back at the programs it supported in 2023 and the impact of those programs on tomorrow’s engineering leaders.